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How Knowledge Graph can improve online branding?

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How Knowledge Graph can improve online branding?

Knowledge Graph

Recently the term Knowledge graph has been frequently used by the Digital Marketers in research and business, so before starting that how can knowledge graph improve in online branding, first it is important for us to understand what a Knowledge graph is?

A Knowledge graph is a base which is used by Google Search to enhance its search engine result. It was launched in 2012 which intelligently captures and displays appropriate information from different sources when you search for something for example a person, company etc. It’s the box that appears on the right hand side of the result page which contains information about the subject in response to the query.

For example If you have searched for a person, suppose the person is Bertrand Russell , then a box will get displayed on the right hand side of the page which will show his image,a short summary from Wikipedia page, his biological data and some selected quotes even books on Bertrand.The Knowledge graph collects all the information and facts about people, places and things to create and deliver interconnected accurate result.

knowledge graph
Knowledge Graph Example

Now what is the purpose of a knowledge graph?

The knowledge graph aims to improve the way people search for information. The process of search and discovery is complex as there may be lots of information, data, videos and link about the person, entity or institution and you want to recommend the best content to the user. Therefore the idea behind the knowledge graph is that the Google Search Engine should be smart enough to understand what the information is searching for. It represents a change in the way Google wants to present results and find relevant material to your searches.

How does Google knowledge graph help your brand?

We know that how it is important for a brand to get ranked in the Search Engine Result Page (SERPs) in order to increase website traffic. Now to further get improve ranking in SERP, you should optimize your website in such a way that when somebody searches on the relevant keywords on Google search the result should appear in the form of knowledge graph.

For example “Digital Marketing Trainer” the following knowledge graph in Google

Digital Marketing Trainer
Example of Knowledge Graph

Another example of Knowledge Graph” Digital branding Agency”.

Getting included in a Knowledge graph helps to showcase information about your brand such as address, business hour, navigation, contact information ,social links ,reviews, ratings and more. This will help more visibility of the brand or services to the relevant audiences

 The benefits of using a Knowledge Graph

  • More visibility to your brand
  • All relevant information of your brand at one place
  • Provides user with a greater experience for information
  • Improves your website traffic

In order to get included in the Google Knowledge graph you need to follow some techniques

Now you would be interested in getting knowledge graph for your brands or services ,however, to get your brand included in the knowledge graph of Google you need to do a lot of optimization and that can be done by a professional Digital marketer. To appear in the knowledge graph, your website needs to be properly coded with structured data. This is the information that helps search engines to crawl your website and understand its content for creating rich snippets. 

       According to a Bright Local survey carried out in 2017:

  • Around 97% of consumers read online reviews about local businesses in 2017
  • 49% of consumers need a minimum four-star rating before getting convinced to buy from a brand
  • Out of the total 74%, only 68% customers left a feedback about a local business when asked
  • 85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as they trust recommendations from friends only.


If you really want to grow your brand by improving it’s rank and getting more traffic to your website, then Google Knowledge graph is the right tool for this. It will help your potential customer to learn more about your brand without even visiting your website by showing important details in the Search Result. You just need to implement the techniques step by step in order to get included in the knowledge graph. If you need any help , feel free to contact for Digital marketing Consultancy.