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Month: March 2018

Digital Marketing Consulting with Right Strategy & Training

Don’t Learn, Understand Digital Marketing

Don’t Learn, Understand Digital Marketing. What do I mean by this? When I go for new client meetings and make them understand about digital marketing, answer their queries and give them solution to meet the objective through digital marketing I receive various type of answers. Among them some clients says “I am from IT back…
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Removing organic results with definitive answers

Google launched a large-scale experiment, removing organic results from a small set of searches with definitive answers. For example “whats the time in Kolkata”. This is being called ZERO RESULT SERP’s. You have the choice to see all results which extends when you click. Google started this large scale experiment from Wednesday.  This is for…
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Looking for best digital marketing training institute in kolkata?

Many people are looking for digital marketing training institute to learn digital marketing. But how to find the best institute? Today there are many options available to learn digital marketing the major things that required are Common Sense A Good Mentor Passion Eager to research and discover I have noticed than many organization are providing…
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Why Digital Marketing is so important?

Digital marketing is the promotion of products or services through digital media via internet.  It is important, not only because of its recent trends and growth but also because it is the future of marketing. Many people think that traditional promotion will soon be replaced entirely by digital media but I feel otherwise as every…
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Why Social Media is Important

Target audience in there, huge market is there. So businesses or brands spend huge amounts Opportunity to Connect with people with similar interests Social Media accounts for 28% of all media time spent online Projected ad spend for 2017 is $41 bn 16% of all digital ad spends is on facebook Space between digital media…
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Best Practices of Email Marketing

I have worked with some of today’s top brands who lead the way in email campaign management. Here, we share a few best practices that we’ve identified and refined over the past decade, including ways to get more subscribers, increase deliverability and engagement, and integrate social with your targeted email marketing strategy. Best Practices Fixing…
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Digital Marketing Consultancy for Startups

We help web startups with overall digital strategy and plan. Working for startups is always fun; most of the startups, especially tech startups are made of crazy people indeed. Some of the startups hardly have any team; only the co-founders sit and work together. We work with startup leaders to deliver and communicate value to their…
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