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Why you should Learn Digital Marketing while in College

Digital Marketing Consulting with Right Strategy & Training

Why you should Learn Digital Marketing while in College

Digital Marketing Training for College Students

According to a recent survey, Digital marketing is the key to hold an in-demand profession. India’s Digital Advertising Industry is growing at 33.5 % and by 2020 its value will exceed the INR 255 Billion.

India is one of the latest and largest growing digital markets market and the scope for digital marketers here will only get on increasing. By the end of the year 2020, in India digital industry will produce more than 20 lakhs job.

According to a report by McKinley, 90% of all marketing roles require some form of digital marketing experience or analytical abilities

The digital marketing skills are in a serious demand widening its scope in the market space. Higher pay and multiple career choices are the salient advantages of having a digital marketing career. With growing demand of human resources in digital marketing industry, the mushrooming of training institutes have also grown many folds. However, they are hurting the industry rather adding values. There are many institutes which really helps but most of them are just a scam. There are students who takes admission in various institutes which are charging enormous amount . I recommend them to communicate with the past students of that institute, get some knowledge about their experiences , take advice from them which might be helpful to take further decisions

I have seen many students who have passed out from the college and then joined digital marketing training institutes to gain the knowledge and be ready for the industry. In most of the cases these students are not equipped to be ready for the industry and also in such small time its not possible. After thinking of such students, I thought that if the students who are still in colleges and universities can learn digital marketing and can be ready for the job while out of college. This will save a lot of Money and time of students. Generally for digital marketing courses the charges is from INR 30,000 to INR 2.5 Lac which I think can be saved if the students are serious enough to learn.

There are many resources online available for free to learn digital marketing which is easily available. You can learn from those resources like videos, forums, articles, books etc. But If someone is having zero knowledge and understanding digital marketing then it becomes difficult for them to learn by self at stage one. So, to solve this problem I have realised to add value, so I started taking seminars and workshops on digital marketing at various colleges and institutes. Where I mentor the students, show then the path, introduce them to the ocean of digital marketing. This helps students a lot and many students got benefitted through this initiative.

Being a Trainer in Digital Marketing and as a consultant in the industry for last 14 years I thought to help students and people who want to learn digital marketing. I also conduct FREE Workshop for a day in colleges to guide the students.

Get in touch with me for any guidance